Thursday, 13 February 2014

How Are We Going To Start Our Music Video?

Starting our story board our little minds went into overload when it where stressing about what the opening should actually be. Despite watching more videos in the past few months than I have done in my life time we were both stunned by the idea of actually making a decision. For reassurance we both decided that it seemed like the right thing go back and focus on opening shots to gather a range of styles and some information on how people within the professional industry do it in. 

Within Goulding's "How Long Will I Love You" video they started off with brief credits regarding who starred in the music video and reveal that it was all filmed on a Nokia Lumia 1020 phone. Then it started with an opening close up shot of her playing the piano. This is something we could use within out music video as Ruby especially has already researched into how instruments are filmed. We are introduced to her love interest as she is playing at the piano planning to write a song. This runs with our consistent theme throughout which has already been pre planned without being aware that this has already been done. Although within this video it is used just as a quick shot where as our narrative is based on this.

She begins 'Goodness Gracious' with establishing shots of the sea, sunset and palm trees in high vibrant colours. This song is different to the type of song we are doing so I do not wish really take this effect into consideration as it looks like it is more of a upbeat clubbing tune which is not something we wish to represent within our music video. 

'Explosions' starts off with cool black and white shots on the train. This is something we may experiment with on our way to London when we head to Camden and Brick Lane. Our filming is being done on a Sunday so hopefully we will be able to find a not so busy carriage as this is one of the issues with filming up London the masses of people that are about.

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