Monday 10 March 2014

Fine Print on Digipaks

On the back of albums there information featured which includes elements such as the year the CD was released, the record labels the artist is with, the people who worked on the album such as the executive and album producer.

When it came to writing our own small print of the CD we knew it would be vital to cover the aspect of copyright. After going through existing small print we found a trend in which it said 'the copyright in this sound recording is owned by (record company)' and 'all rights of the manufacturer/owner/producer of this work produced unreserved' and 'unauthortised copying, reproduction hiring, lending, public performance, rental and broadcasting prohibited'. We will use these phrases so that the writing is relevant and conventional to existing CDs rather than just some random text.  

This information tends to be set out at the bottom of the CD in a straight line that covers the width of the page. However, this is not always the case.

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