Monday 9 December 2013

Conducting Target Audience Research

Questions we asked the target audience: 

Underneath the questions, the most common answers have been put.

What are your hobbies/interests?
Skateboarding, football, art
What words would you use to describe yourself?
Imaginative, creative 
Who are your celebrity icons?
Arctic Monkeys, David Beckham 
What are you typical plans for the weekend?
Parties, football, art galleries
Where do you like to go?
Shopping, skateboarding

Which band/artists do you most frequently listen to?
Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, Kodaline
What genre of music do you generally listen too?

Indie, rock
What do you want to see in a music video?
colourful, attracts attention, women
Name a music video you like and why
Coldplay - Strawberry Swings
Kodaline - All I Want

What are your favourite TV channels?
BBC3, BBC1, E4, ITV1
What music channels do you watch?
MTV, MTV Rocks, Kerrang!

Which radio station do you most frequently listen to?
Magic, Kiss, Radio 1

Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter?
How many times a day do you check your profile?
5 - 10
Does the power of hash tagging circulate a trend?
Does social networking help promote a new music video? 

Which shops are the majority of your clothes from?
River Island, Topshop/man, Primark, Urban Outfitters, charity shops
What are you favourite brands?
Ralph Lauren, Supreme, Puma, Converse
What is a typical outfit that you would wear?
Skinny jeans, trainers, vans, polo shirt, denim jacket, casual dress

Which newspaper do you read the most?

The Sun
Which magazine do you read the most?

Glamour, Kerrang!

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