Monday 6 January 2014

Demand For Close-Ups

A close-up can be defined as: 
1. A photograph or a film or television shot in which the subject is tightly framed and shown at a relatively large scale.
2. An intimate view or description

The record company demands for many close-ups of the main artist within their music videos.

The demand for close-ups is part of Andrew Goodwin's theory as he feels that they create intimacy for the viewer putting an emphasis on half of the commodities on sale. Another purpose of close-ups is to show the artists lip synching. 

Close-ups do not necessarily have to contain the face of the artist, it could feature parts of the artist, offering alternative angles of them.

Although the point of close-ups are to show the artist, sometimes they are not completely shown i.e. in the 'move' video for Little Mix it features a silhouette of the band members, and in the 'live for' video by The Weeknd the flashing lights make it not as easy to recognise the artist - these two examples are shown in the video below.

To show how common close-ups really are I have taken sections of four music videos and highlighted each time that a close-up is used.

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